Deadline is November 14th 2003
[i][b]Audition lines[/i][/b] (try to match the original voice, but if ya can't
then that's ok too. Chances are there won't be a lot of people who can match
the voices so don't feel at a disadvantage. The originals had some pretty unique
sounds) The audition lines are listed as:
Charactername(gender I'm looking for, voice range, information on character)
[b]Zim[/b](M (possibly F too), medium to medium high voice, This is the star
of the show. He's an alien invader who has been sent to Earth to take it over...kinda.
It was more like a ploy to get him far far away from his home planet and leaders.
He has a very unique beat when it comes to his speaking pattern.)
---Line 1 - Ugh, I can't take you anywhere without you ruining my plans, Gir. This couldn't be any more humiliating.
---Line 2 - The more we stand here, the more they'll trust us. Then in their docile clown-trusting state, I will destroy them.
---Line 3 - Well, okay then. We're all here...Now, cringe in fear at the newest, most amazing addition to Zim's army of evil, MY INCREDIBLE NEW SIDEKICK! MINIMOOSE!
[b]Gir[/b] (M or F, Medium-high, He is insane and adorable at the same time.
This is Zim's stupid, crazy, lazy, and absent minded robotic sidekick. He gets
excited easily, he's very weird, and loves monkeys.)
---Line 1 - I gonna play with the cheese.
---Line 2 - whatchadoin?? WHATCHADOIN!?
---Line 3 - He got nubs! Let's go swimmin, Moose!
[b]Dib[/b]( M (possibly F), Medium, This is the only guy who believes that Zim
is an alien. He's a para-science/conspiracy nerd. He's made his single mission
to stop Zim from taking over the planet. He's got a small part in this one though.)
---Line 1 - (just busts out of his disguise as a trash-can) Hey-ya! I was watching you this whole time, Zim! If Irkens are so advanced, why is your robot such a loser?
---Line 2 - Ha! I was the suckmonkey all along, Zim! I got you now!
[b]MiniMoose[/b] (female, medium-high to high, Zim's cute and squeaky new sidekick.
All he does is squeak...except for one line towards the end.)
---Line 1 - just do a series of squeaks
[b]Robo-Mom[/b] (female, medium, Zim's robotic mom that pretty much does nothing
but answer the door with the robot dad to give the appearance to all those outside
that Zim is a normal little boy. In this episode the robot parents have just
one line. If you've seen the show, try to say it with the same inflections that
they do because both parents will have to say it the same way.)
---Line 1 - Welcome home son.
[b]Robo-Dad[/b](Male, medium, Zim's robotic dad that pretty much does nothing but answer the door with the robot mom to give the appearance to all those outside that Zim is a normal little boy. In this episode the robot parents have just one line. If you've seen the show, try to say it with the same inflections that they do because both parents will have to say it the same way.)
---Line 1 - Welcome home son.
[b]Computer[/b] (Male, Deep to Medium, The computer is the most intelligent
character on the show. He also speaks the most normal inflections.)
---Line 1 - I shall fabricate an Obey-o-nator 2000x, the most obedient computer brain in the galaxy.
---Line 2 - More unquestioningly?
[b]Vortian Engineer[/b]( M or F, play around with it, A character that Zim contacts
for a super destruction device.)
---Line 1 - (bored) Hey Zim, whatchawantthistime.
---Line 2 - You mean like a top secret experimental Vortian Doomsday Device?
[b][i]Auddies Received[/b][/i]